Don't pay more than you have to! Your mover is bound to the terms of your signed contract. This includes pickup and delivery dates. Should your delivery be delayed, most reputable moving companies will offer a “moving day claim” or “delivery day claim” for reimbursement for out-of-pocket daily life expenses while you wait for delivery.
Your moving company generally provides an estimate at the beginning of your move, which you and your original salesperson should sign. This estimate should either be nonbinding, binding, or binding-not-to-exceed.
Nonbinding estimates: If your estimate is nonbinding, you may be required to pay additional fees if your final weight or services needed are different from the ones on your original estimate. However, per federal law, you should not have to pay more than 110% of your originally estimated price.
Binding or binding-not-to-exceed: If your estimate was binding (or binding-not-to-exceed) and you paid 100% of the estimated costs, your moving company should not ask you for more money at delivery.