is here to provide all the information you need to move from A to B. This means we do in-depth research and pay our experienced writers to provide candid feedback about the products, services, and companies they review. To keep our site free for you, we provide phone numbers and links to sign up for some of the moving services featured in our reviews. When you click on these links or make a phone call, we may receive compensation. However, the results of our editorial reviews reflect our personal opinions of and experiences with each individual company, product, or service we research. While our affiliate relationships may influence the moving services we review and write about and where they’re placed on our site, it does not affect the analysis and opinions of our writers.
How Works
How we operate
Disclaimer: is supported by readers like you. That means we might make money when you click on one of our recommendations.
How we test and rate products
We don't want to recommend anything to you that we aren't comfortable using ourselves. To make sure you have the best moving experience possible, we rely on a combination of first-hand experience, in-depth research, and customer reviews to inform our opinions and recommendations to our readers.
We reviewed 75+ movers, 2k+ quotes, and 26k reviews. We do mystery shopping, accreditation checks, and regular updates to give you reliable recommendations.
AI statement
Human-curated, thoughtfully written: Our content is created by experts who understand the importance of real, hands-on experience. No bots—just honest advice for real life.
While parts of some articles (not all) may be created with the help of automation tools, all of our content has been carefully reviewed, improved, and fact-checked by our team of human moving experts.
Things we consider’s writers take a number of factors into consideration when assigning moving company rankings.
- Features and services: We compare each moving company’s set of features and services to what’s standard among their peers—whether it’s full-service movers, moving storage companies, or van rental lines—to ensure you’re reading direct and fair comparisons.
- Customer service: We look at how each moving company treats its customers. Are customers generally satisfied with the service they’re provided, or has poor service soured their moving experience?
- Value: We want to help our readers get the best bang for their buck, so we take value for money into consideration. This doesn’t necessarily mean a mover we recommend is the least expensive—we simply want to ensure the level of service matches the price tag.
We know moving can be a pretty big task. Thanks for trusting us to help make it a stress-free experience.